Frazer Blog

Designing Our Websites with both Funeral Homes and Families in Mind [Video]

by | Jul 20, 2018 | Funeral Profession Videos


Hello, I’m Katie and at Frazer Consultants I’m responsible for leading a team of designers that design our digital products. When designing our digital products, we really try to keep the end user’s experience in mind. So, whether that end user be a funeral home or one of the families they serve, we really do everything we can to ensure that that experience is going to be a positive one.

The most recent project our team has tackled has been the redesign of the obituary on our website platform to be responsive. A responsive website is well-adapted for desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. When redesigning the obituaries, we really wanted to make sure that the design was familiar, comforting, and simple — and not stray too far from what a family was used to seeing from an online obituary. We wanted to invite users to leave condolences, memories, and photos. Everything that would allow a family to tell the unique story of their loved one. Knowing we’ve created something that will positively affect a family’s online obituary experience is something we are really proud of.

To learn more about responsive obituaries, call 866-372-9372 or click here to schedule a demonstration.


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