Frazer Blog

Frazer Consultants’ Top 10 Funeral Articles from 2019

by | Dec 4, 2019 | Funeral Profession

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Can you believe the decade is almost over? At the end of every year, our marketing team reflects on everything we did throughout the year.

In 2019, we covered a wide range of topics in our blog. Below, we’re highlighting our top 10 most-read funeral articles from this year. Topics include death cleaning, cremation, home funerals, alkaline hydrolysis, and more!

Let’s break down the top funeral articles, starting with number one!

1. Death Cleaning: Tips for Tidying and Decluttering Your Home

At the start of the new year, the KonMari Method was all the rage thanks to Netflix’s hit show, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.” The show inspired people to go through their piles of belongings and decide what was actually serving a purpose and what should be tossed or donated.

This inspired us to write a blog article about the topic of death cleaning. It is defined as “the process of cleaning house before you die, rather than leaving it up to your loved ones to do after you’re gone.” Learn how to get started by checking out our article!

2. Why Families Keep Cremated Remains Instead of Burying Them

As cremation rates rise, more of our readers are becoming interested in this topic. This article educates funeral directors about why families keep cremated remains. It also discusses ways funeral directors can inform families about all the cremation services they offer. More often than not, families are not aware of all the options available to them.

3. 8 Things Families Can Do If They Can’t Attend the Funeral Service

Throughout 2019, we’ve provided some great advice articles that funeral directors can share with their families. In this blog article, we went over things families can do if they can’t attend their loved one’s funeral service because we understand that sometimes life circumstances get in the way.

4. What Your Funeral Home Needs to Know About Home Funerals

As people’s funeral preferences change, it’s important for funeral homes to stay in the loop. Since home funerals are on the rise, we covered the basics of what funeral directors needs to know about them. By reading this article, you’ll have a better understanding of these families’ wants and needs.

5. 19 States Allow Alkaline Hydrolysis: What Your Funeral Home Needs to Know

Alkaline Hydrolysis is an up-and-coming method of disposition that more states are legalizing. People like this option because it is more environmentally friendly than traditional burial.

In this article, we give an overview of what exactly alkaline hydrolysis is and why more people are choosing it as their final disposition method.

6. Ways to Honor Your Loved One’s Death Anniversary

The death of a loved one may hurt less as time goes on, but they still remain an integral part of our life story. That’s why it’s so important for families to honor their late loved one on their death anniversary.

Some ideas we include in this blog are getting together with family and friends, visiting their favorite place, and leaving a memento at their gravesite.

7. What I Wish I Knew About Funerals a Long Time Ago

As our employees learn more about the funeral profession, they begin to have new insights about funerals. In this more personal blog post, our Senior Content Specialist Jenny Goldade reflects on what she’s learned during her time at Frazer Consultants and what she wishes she had known before about funerals.

8. Six Books Every Funeral Director Should Read

To celebrate Book Lovers Day, we shared six must-read books for funeral directors. Reading books related to the profession and death, in general, helps funeral directors gain new perspectives and help them grow in their careers.

9. Overlooked Grief Experiences: An Interview with a Psychology Professor

Here at Frazer, we love collaborating with professionals to help others gain new perspectives and knowledge. In this guest blog, we interviewed the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Psychology Professor Erica Srinivasan about different overlooked grief experiences.

10. Cleaning and Organizing Your Home After a Loss

Evidently, 2019 was the year of cleanliness for our readers. In this blog article, we give advice on how to clean and organize your home after the loss of a loved one. We understand that letting go of their items is hard, but it is also essential in moving forward. These tips will help readers understand it’s okay to make changes to their home after a loss.


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