Frazer Blog

How Frazer Uses Thought Leadership and Your Funeral Home Can Too

by | Dec 5, 2019 | Funeral Profession

Group of people brainstorming

At Frazer, it’s our goal to educate funeral directors about new funeral trends, innovative software, and successful marketing techniques for their funeral home. We do this because we consider ourselves thought leaders in the profession. We use our expertise to help funeral directors better serve their communities and thrive.

Similarly, funeral directors can use their extensive knowledge about the profession to educate families and answer any questions they may have about their end-of-life options. Let’s go over some ways your funeral home can be a thought leader for your community.

Write a Blog

Along with driving more traffic to your funeral home’s website, a blog establishes your funeral home’s staff as thought leaders. On your blog, you should write about topics such as end-of-life options, new funeral trends, grief coping techniques, and death and dying.

Show families that you are experts in your field and are there for them when they need support or have any questions about funerals.

Host Educational Events

Many people have never planned a funeral, making it difficult for them to know where to even begin. Host an educational event at your funeral home that’s free to the public. Topics such as preplanning or funeral payment options are things people need to know more about.

Post on Social Media

Use social media as a resource to connect with families. There, you can share links to your blog or other interesting articles about the funeral profession. Share information about any grief resources or support groups you recommend. You can also use Facebook to create an Event, so more people will come to your educational event!

Create Your Own Grief Resources

Instead of simply printing out someone else’s grief brochures, make your own! When families see your funeral home’s name and logo on the front of useful advice, they know they can trust your staff. Some topics you could cover are grief after suicide, grief after the loss of a spouse, or grief after the loss of a pet.


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