Frazer Blog

How Funeral Homes Can Grow Their Facebook Audience

by | May 23, 2017 | Funeral Home Marketing

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If you want to reach more families, Facebook is an easy way to do it.

Facebook continues to be the top social networking site for Baby Boomers. A study conducted at Penn State University found that people 65 and older are turning to Facebook at such a rapid rate, they’ve now become the fastest growing demographic using it. The PEW Research Center estimates that in 2016 “62% of online adults ages 65 and older now use Facebook, a 14-point increase from the 48% who reported doing so in 2015.”

Another study found that Baby Boomers are among the most active users of Facebook and that they are more likely to share interesting content with others.

If you’re looking to connect with Baby Boomers via Facebook, we’ve got some tips to share. Here’s how you can start growing your funeral home’s audience.

Invite Friends

The first step is to invite people you already know. Send them a request to like your funeral home’s Page. These early contacts can support your Page by interacting with posts and help promote your content. Facebook mentions that this initial audience can “establish credibility, build your reputation and spread the word about your business right away.”

Click here to see how to manage invites to your funeral home’s Page.

Invite Client Families and Other Contacts

Facebook also makes it easy to invite families who might be interested in your funeral home. All you need is an email address. Facebook will then list your Funeral Home under their “Recommended Pages” section.

To suggest a Page, click the ‘…’ underneath your page’s cover photo. Then select Suggest Page. Next, it will have you upload the email addresses of your contacts. After that, your funeral home will begin appearing as a suggested Page to follow.

Add Your Funeral Home Page to Your Email Signature

Another simple way to get more followers is to add a link to your email signature. You can even include a short call to action, such as “Like our Facebook Page.” Now, any time you send an email to families or other contacts, you’ll have the opportunity to grow your audience.

Post Content Regularly

Once you’ve gained an initial group of followers, you’ll want to post regular, high-quality content. The more interesting and valuable the content you share on Facebook is, the more likely your followers are to share it on their own Facebook Page. This increases the number of people who will see it. And it helps get your funeral home even more positive exposure on Facebook.

Tag Community Organizations

Tagging other organizations in the community is another great way to get more followers. Especially if you’re tagging organizations with already large followings. Local hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and government health organizations are all great places to start.

Make sure to tag them in relevant posts. For example, if you’ve recently partnered with hospice for a community lunch, share photos via Facebook and tag the local hospice in the album. Click here to see the four different ways you can tag someone.

Add a Like Button to Your Website

Adding a Facebook icon to your website is another great way to encourage families to follow you. Families visiting your funeral home’s website can simply click the icon. Then they will be prompted to follow your funeral home’s Page.

Promote Your Page

You also can grow the number of followers by promoting your Page. For just a few dollars a day, you can run a campaign that will promote your Page to a selected audience. The best part is, you can tailor the campaign to reach a specific audience. Say, for example, you only want to market your funeral home page to families within a 15-mile radius that are in the age range of 40-75. Facebook allows you to do just that. You’ll also be able to track the number of new likes your promotion has reached. To learn more, check out our article on promoting your Page.

Download our free eBook to learn more about how funeral homes can use Facebook to better reach today’s families.


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