Frazer Blog

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

by | Jun 7, 2017 | For Families

An elderly man holding a little girl

Alzheimer’s is a heartbreaking memory loss disease that many families and their loved ones are impacted by. Since June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, everyone can show their support to end this disease and help raise awareness.

What is Alzheimer’s?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, this disease is a type of dementia that affects someone’s memory, thinking, and behavior. It’s caused by a combination of genetic, health, lifestyle, and environmental factors that affect the brain.

Specifically, plaques and tangles are responsible for damaging and killing nerve cells in the brain. The symptoms of this disease usually progress slowly, but become worse over time.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s may include:

  • Forgetting important appointments, events, names, and conversations
  • Losing items and placing them in out-of-the-ordinary locations
  • Unknowingly repeating statements or questions multiple times
  • Wandering and getting lost in a familiar location

Personality and behavioral changes may include:

Go Purple

Purple is the color of National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. Below are a few simple ways your funeral home can “go purple” to show its support and help raise awareness.

For example, show your support by turning your funeral home’s social media purple. Add the Alzheimer’s Awareness frame to your funeral home’s Facebook profile picture. To add it, go to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Facebook Page and click “Try it” under one of their posts with the frame. Or, search for “Alzheimer’s Association” in Facebook’s profile frames.

Also, don’t forget to share a post about why your funeral home is “going purple.” Feel free to use our social media post examples below!


June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. Our funeral home is going purple to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s and to honor those affected. Let’s work together as a community to educate and inspire others to act in the hopes of finding a cure!


Our funeral home is #GoingPurple to honor families’ loved ones who lost their lives to #Alzheimers.

Let’s work together to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s and put an end to this horrible disease. #EndAlzheimers

Along with social media, there also are ways for your funeral home to “go purple” in the non-virtual world. Plant purple flowers such as lavender or bellflower outside your funeral home. Or, give families a vase filled with a beautiful purple flower arrangement. You can even turn the outside of your funeral home purple with purple lights.

Host an Event

Speaking of lights, organize a community purple glow stick walk/run to raise awareness for the disease. Proceeds can go to the Alzheimer’s Association to help find a cure and care for those affected by this disease. Before the walk/run, hold a memorial service for those who have passed away from Alzheimer’s or other brain-related diseases.

In addition to raising money, you could partner up with your local hospice center or nursing home to educate your community. Host an informational luncheon where you talk about the effects of Alzheimer’s, your service options, and provide grief resources.

Help spread the word about your funeral home’s events by using Facebook’s Events feature.

Provide Resources

Another way your funeral home can make a difference is through informational pamphlets or brochures. Encourage families to stop by your funeral home to learn more about this disease and the services you offer. You also could host an anticipatory grief seminar to support and inform families who have a loved one affected by this disease.

You also could make these resources available online for those who may live far away or prefer this method.


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