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Paying Tribute to a Hollywood Legend, Doris Day

by | May 13, 2019 | For Families

Framed photo of Doris Day

On May 13, 2019, American Actress Doris Day passed away at her home at the age of 97. Day’s numerous acting roles such as “Romance on the High Seas,” “April in Paris,” and “Pillow Talk” made her America’s top box-office star at the beginning of the 1960s. Though, her career as an entertainer began as a big-band singer, with her song “Sentimental Journey” topping the charts.

Later on in her life, Day was a strong advocate for animal welfare. In 1978, she started a nonprofit that is known today as the Doris Day Animal Foundation. Their mission is “to help animals and the people who love them.” The nonprofit gives grants to organizations with initiatives such as spay/neuter programs, pet food pantries, and wildlife rehabilitation.

Paying Tribute to a Hollywood Legend

Doris Day was truly an iconic figure in America, and we will continue to remember her as the talented, kind-hearted woman she was. Below are a few tributes shared over Twitter.

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