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September a time for self-improvement

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Funeral Profession

Women relaxing in bed and reading a book

September is national self-improvement month.

It’s a good month for it, too — September is the perfect time to lay out some new goals and invest in some “me” time before the hectic holiday season rolls in.

Here are four areas we can focus on improving as we race toward the end of the year:


Learning shouldn’t stop after the classroom. For self-improvement month, a great goal to shoot for is to commit to becoming a lifelong learner. There are several simple ways to do so with little to no cost:

  • Network with other professionals. Networking is a great way to meet different people with different perspectives and experiences. You can network through social media sites like LinkedIn, or sign up for networking events in your community. Here’s a great resource for finding local networking events.
  • Take up a new hobby. Learn something you’ve always wanted to — like a new language or some new cooking skills. Challenge yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone. It can lead to some rewarding experiences.
  • Attend seminars and workshops. There are seminars and workshops for just about everything you could possibly want to learn. Find something that interests you and check out this link to easily find a seminar near you.
  • Reading is the easiest way to become a lifelong learner. Reading doesn’t just expose us to new ideas, it also expands our vocabulary and can even help us ward off stress and depression.
  • Take a free online course. The internet has become an endless resource to continue learning. These free courses are often taught by university professors, lecturers, entrepreneurs, and others. Check out this blog post to learn more.

Fitness and Physical Health

The holidays can be hectic, and it’s easy to lose track of a fitness routine during the season. Use September to set up a schedule to stick to.

  • Set attainable goals. A workout routine is easier to commit to when you can track progress.
  • Get up and at it early. An early workout routine leaves your schedule free for the day.
  • Make your goals official. Sign up for a holiday run and start training in September. Or even organize your own fundraising run or fitness event to raise money for a good cause.

For more tips on staying healthy on a hectic schedule, click here.

Mental Health

While it’s easy to focus on our physical health, we often forget to focus on our mental wellbeing. Working in a funeral home is no walk in the park, and it can take a toll on mental and spiritual health — leading to compassion fatigue and burnouts.

But there’s good news. Practicing improvement in areas such as continuing to learn and exercising also can improve our mental health. Another simple step to cutting back on mental stress is to give yourself a half hour each day dedicated to whatever you want. It could be meditation, listening to relaxing music, or a glass of wine.

Business Health

Self-improvement month also can be an opportunity to look at your funeral home. Assess the areas you’d like to see some improvement.

  • Take a look at what the competition is doing. Are they offering products and services your funeral home doesn’t have? Or maybe it could be an opportunity to get ahead of your rivals and start looking for ways to serve families that your competition isn’t.
  • What about your funeral home lobby? If it hasn’t been updated in a while, it could be time to look into that. And we’re not just talking about a fresh coat of paint. Offer free Wi-Fi in the lobby. Give out refreshments besides coffee. For more ideas, check out this helpful blog post on updating a funeral home’s lobby.
  • Update technology. Older technology — especially after the five-year mark — can start to cause problems. Not only does it slow down everyday tasks, but it also can cause security risks and raise maintenance costs. Investing in new technology also has productivity benefits — cloud computing helps you get work done from anywhere, and integrated software solutions help save you time in the data entry department.


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