Frazer Blog

Springtime Activities to Enjoy on Your Day Off

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Funeral Profession

woman reading outside with her dog

Spring is officially here, which means it’s time to turn off Netflix and get outside on your days off! Spending time outside can help clear your mind and lower your stress.

To help you decide what to do on a beautiful spring day, we’re sharing some fun springtime activities below!

Go for a Bike Ride

Nothing is better than hopping on your bike and going for a cruise. Maybe this time, check out that bike path you’ve been meaning to or invite your family to come along. You could even pack some snacks for an impromptu picnic when you find a pretty view!

Get Started on Your Garden

It’s finally time to get going on your garden. Do you prefer planting flowers? Or, do you tend to have an overflowing assortment of vegetables? Try planting something new this year!

Read That Book You’ve Been Meaning To

Have a book that’s been sitting around all winter that you just couldn’t get yourself to open? We get it, sometimes the winter slump makes it hard to start anything new. Now that it’s warm out, grab your book and find a comfy spot to read outside. And since it is your day off, maybe take a little nap too!

Check Out the Local Farmers’ Market

Now is the time to stock up on all sorts of fresh food items and goods from local farmers and artisans. Fill up your reusable tote with an assortment of vegetables and enjoy sampling what each vendor has to offer!

Get on the Green

Whether you’re golfing all 18 holes or just playing some mini-putt with the family, it’s fun to have a little competition! Finding a game you enjoy that gets you outside is a great way to stay active. Disc golf, softball, or volleyball are some other great games to try!

Splash in the Puddles

This one might not be for everyone, but remember how much fun you had splashing in the puddles as a kid? Invite your children or grandchildren to slip on their rain boots and go puddle jumping with you after a heavy rainfall. Make the most of the rainy days — it is spring after all!

What are your favorite springtime activities? Share by commenting below!


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