Frazer Blog

The Meaningful Funeral — 2019 Recap

by | Dec 26, 2019 | Funeral Profession

2019 issues of The Meaningful Funeral

Throughout the year, our marketing team works hard to provide funeral homes with helpful resources to make their firm the best it can be. One resource we are quite proud of is The Meaningful Funeral — an exclusive publication by Frazer Consultants. We mail this publication to funeral homes in the United States and Canada, and we have digital copies of it on our eLibrary.

In this magazine, we help you learn new skills, keep up with funeral trends, and serve your client families in more meaningful ways. For each issue, we pick a theme and center our articles and advice around it.

If you’re unfamiliar with The Meaningful Funeral, check out our recap of all the issues that came out in 2019 below!

Issue 9 — Winter 2019

This issue is all about making the most of 2019. Though it is almost 2020, this advice is still relevant to your funeral home. We include tips for setting goals and sticking to them, and we provide ideas for ways your funeral home can improve.

Use the new year as a time to better your firm, so you can continue to provide excellent care to the families in your community.

Issue 10 — Spring 2019

Since we rolled out our social media packages in 2019, we thought it was relevant to offer funeral homes tips for making their social media presence the best it can be!

In this issue, we teach you the basics of using social media and how to take advantage of specific social media features. By having an up-to-date and strategic social media presence, you can better connect with the families in your community.

Issue 11 — Summer 2019

In 2019, burnout became an official medical diagnosis, according to the International Classification of Diseases handbook (ICD-11). Since many funeral directors are at risk of developing burnout due to the intensity of their job, we felt it was important to do an issue all about self-care.

We share ways to cope with stress, beat occupational burnout, and live a happier and healthier life while doing what you love — serving families in need.

Issue 12 — Summer 2019

At Frazer, we utilize all kinds of integrations to make our processes as streamlined as possible. In this issue, we explain how our integrations can save your funeral home time by eliminating tedious tasks like double data entry.

We share ways integrations can help you better serve your families and provide specific integration examples.

Issue 13 — Winter 2019

Search engine optimization (SEO) became increasingly important in 2019. If you want families to find your funeral home online, you need to use tactics such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and optimizing your website’s metadata.

In this issue, we go over the basics of SEO and PPC and share ways your funeral home can be found by more families when they use search engines like Google.


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