Frazer Blog

We Want to Thank Funeral Directors for Everything They Do

by | Nov 19, 2018 | Funeral Profession

elderly couple outside

Thanksgiving is a time when many people share thanks for what they have and thank people for everything that they do.

We want to take this moment to recognize and thank funeral directors for all the hard work they do 365 days a year because we all know that the funeral profession doesn’t take a break, even if it’s a holiday.

Without you, our families and communities wouldn’t be whole, so we want to take this opportunity to say thanks.

What Funeral Directors Do for Families

As a funeral director, you help families during the worst time in their lives. You go above and beyond to help them plan a personalized funeral experience that tells a life story and begins their grief journey. Whether it’s providing care packages, grief resources, or even just a listening ear, you’re more than just a funeral director. You’re a friend helping families in their time of need. And it doesn’t end with the funeral. You provide ongoing support well after the funeral as they adjust to their new normal.

What You Do for Your Community

You bring your community together to help families connect and find others who are going through a loss. By hosting community events, you educate families about funerals and how to cope with grief. You also help them honor their loved ones through memorial services and fundraisers.

What You Do for Us

The Frazer team is thankful to work with funeral directors, and it’s an honor to help you serve your families during the most difficult time in their lives.

And setting work aside, we’ve all gone through the loss of a loved one and had a funeral director comfort us. For me, loss hit my family hard last year with the death of my grandma and then my grandpa only a few short months later. For both funeral experiences, the funeral directors helped my family create personalized funeral experiences that truly honored their lives, and for that, I’m forever grateful.

We Want to Thank You

Here are a few thank-yous from our staff!

“I’m thankful for the selflessness of funeral directors. More and more, I see them going above and beyond to care for families in their time of need. I’m honored to work with such a selfless group of people, and I love thinking of ways to take small responsibilities off their plate so they can focus more on the families they serve.” — Sam Giedris, Social Media and Video Specialist

“The first word that comes to mind when thinking about a funeral director is dedication. The amount of time and energy these professionals give to their organization and, more importantly, their communities is nothing less than inspiring. Working with these passionate leaders drives me to be a better person. From the bottom of my heart, thank you funeral directors for what you do.”— CJ Friedrichs, Sales Consultant

“I’m thankful for what funeral directors provide for their communities. I write our Funeral Home Happenings blog, so I am always learning about all the wonderful things they are doing for families in their community. Many of them hold special events for veterans and go the extra mile to help those in need.” — Lexie Graf, Content Writer

“Funeral directors play a significant role in the communities they serve. It is no small feat to provide support for families of all shapes and sizes, day and night, during a time when emotions run high. I appreciate everything that they do, and I’m happy to work for a company that aims to make their jobs a little easier.” — Katie Murphy, Designer

All of us at Frazer Consultants wish you and your families a happy Thanksgiving!


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