While mourning a loss, many people take to social media to grieve and find support. That’s why many people choose to memorialize their Facebook account.
By adding a legacy contact to your Facebook account, you can ensure that when your account is memorialized, you’ll have someone to look after it.
Read on to learn how to memorialize a Facebook account.
Memorialize Your Facebook Account
Facebook will memorialize a Facebook account once they’re notified about the death. You can contact Facebook to request that they memorialize an account. They also can delete an account if the account user requested it or if a verified immediate family member requests it.
If it’s memorialized, “Remembering” appears next to the person’s name to signify that it’s a memorialized account. The memorialized account won’t appear in the People You May Know Facebook section.
Only a legacy contact can edit a memorialized account, however, the account user has to select the contact, as it can’t be chosen after the account is already memorialized.
Add a Legacy Contact
You must be 18 or older to choose a legacy contact, and you can remove or change it if needed.
To add a legacy contact to your account, click the arrow button in the top right of Facebook and clicking Settings. Then, click Manage Account, type your Facebook friend’s name who you’ve chosen, and click Add. Click Send to let your friend know that you chose them. You also might want to ask their permission beforehand.
What a Legacy Contact Can Do
Although they don’t have full access to your Facebook profile, they can manage several things, including:
- Changing your profile picture and cover photo.
- Writing and pinning posts to your timeline.
- Responding to new friend requests.
- Downloading a copy of what you’ve shared on Facebook.
- Requesting that Facebook removes the account.
However, a legacy contact cannot:
- Log into your Facebook account.
- Remove or edit any past posts or items shared on your timeline. (However, you can request for removal of something if you think it’s inappropriate.)
- Read your messages.
- Remove friends or send new friend requests.
Do you want to memorialize your Facebook account? Share your thoughts in the comments below!