Frazer Blog

Introducing Tribute Pay

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Funeral Payment Options, Funeral Technology

People using a smartphone and tablet

Frazer Consultants’ newest website feature — Tribute Pay — is one of our most exciting yet. Tribute Pay is an online payment center that allows your families to pay their funeral bill quickly and easily, but that’s just the beginning. Later this year, the platform also will power crowdfunding, keepsake orders, and mobile pay.

Why Should This Matter to You?

This article from January of this year proclaims, “In 2016, the payments debate will shift beyond a discussion of what rails and initiatives can make payments happen faster but also about those that can make payments happen better.”

Imagine the hardship a family faces when they try to collectively fund a loved one’s funeral, but happen to be scattered across the country (or the planet). Providing each family member with an accessible online payment center is a meaningful service they’ll truly appreciate.

A study published by the Western Union Company established the rise in usage of (and preference for) mobile bill payment across all consumer demographics. According to the study, “12 percent of respondents said they intend to pay more bills from their mobile devices, while 39 percent said they will pay more bills online.”

Tribute Pay

Integrating an online payment center with your funeral home website shows families that you want to provide them with a service they’ve not only grown accustomed to but feel more comfortable using.

Tribute Pay can be added to any Frazer-powered website free of charge, with no monthly fees. Tribute Pay accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

If you’re already a Frazer Consultants customer, enrollment is simple. Follow the steps outlined below (or watch the video), and you’ll have Tribute Pay up and running for your families in no time.

  1. Access your administrator settings by visiting
  2. Enter your username and password
  3. Click the “Tribute Pay” tab
  4. Click “Tribute Pay Enrollment”
  5. Fill out the three different sections
  6. Once you’ve agreed to the terms and conditions, a designer is notified about the request. They will add Tribute Pay to your website within 24 hours.


  1. Rick

    Just curious. You say “Keepsake Orders” in this article but advertise “Video Tributes” here and “Tribute Video” in next article. Do you not have a standard definition?


    • Jessica Hope

      Hi, Rick. Tribute videos and video tributes are really one and the same, but keepsake orders come in many forms: register books, programs, candles, prayer cards, etc. Let me know if you have any other questions!


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