Frazer Blog

Online Grief Resources to Share with Your Client Families

by | Mar 30, 2020 | Funeral Home Websites, Funeral Profession

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Grieving the loss of a loved one is hard enough, but it’s even more difficult while also practicing social distancing. Those who are grieving are already trying to figure out their “new normal,” so navigating that during the COVID-19 pandemic can be overwhelming. 

However, there are still many healthy ways to grieve a loss from afar. Below are some online grief resources that your funeral home can share with your client families. 

Online Grief Resources for Your Website 

Your funeral home can have a page on your website for sharing online grief resources. For example, our For Families blog category has many blog posts about grief that you can link to. You also can include links to articles, videos, podcasts, and helpful organizations, such as TAPS for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one who died while serving or as a result of serving in the military. Just make sure to give credit to the sources. 

Another great resource for families is to have a blog on your funeral home’s website. Your staff has a lot of knowledge about funerals and grief, so share it with your community! You also can create other resources to go on your website, such as a downloadable grief guide, an infographic about finding healthy ways to grieve, and other educational tools. 

Online Grief Support Groups 

Does your funeral home host grief support group meetings? Turn them into virtual meetups instead. Or, even if you don’t currently have grief support groups, hosting virtual meetings is a great way to start and test it out. These can be via phone call, video chat, or even through messaging in a group chat or social media group page. 

You can have different support groups for certain types of losses or just one group for supporting all types of losses. If you’re new to this, starting out with one is probably best so it doesn’t become too overwhelming. Then, once you have more experience, you can explore branching out into multiple groups. 

365 Days of Healing Grief Email Subscription 

Grief is something those who have experienced a loss must cope with every day. So, a daily grief email subscription can truly support families on their grief journeys. For funeral homes with Frazer-powered websites, one of the features it comes with is our 365 Days of Healing subscription. 

With this grief email subscription, there are no subscription fees. Signing up is quick and easy; families can submit their email address directly on your funeral home’s website. Then, they’ll receive daily emails with messages of hope and healing during year one of grief. 

The best part? There’s no extra work for your funeral home’s staff. And since it’s completely online, you don’t have to worry about compiling a mailing list.  

What online grief resources are you sharing with your client families? Share them with us in the comments. 


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