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Tribute Insurance Assignments: Catering to the Next Generation of Funeral Directors

by | Aug 30, 2018 | Funeral Payment Options

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The funeral profession has a problem. And it’s not cremation or changing traditions. It actually has to do with funeral directors — or the lack thereof.

A recent analysis of different professions found that funeral homes have the oldest median worker age of any job within the U.S., with the average age being around 53 years old. That alone isn’t a bad thing, because with age comes experience. But here’s where the problem comes in. There are more funeral directors set to retire than there are new funeral directors joining the profession.

With more job openings than there are funeral directors, this means funeral homes will start competing to find and hire the best funeral professionals. How can you ensure your firm is set to attract — and retain — top talent within the funeral profession? One way to cater to the next generation of funeral directors is to offer them modern solutions to old challenges. One example is Tribute Insurance Assignments.

Old Way of Doing Insurance Assignments

To put it simply, the old way of doing insurance assignments is a lot of work. When families want to use a life insurance policy to pay for a funeral, it usually means tons of paperwork. Filing a traditional claim means that either you or the family would need to collect and gather paperwork to prove:

  • The policy belongs to the person who passed away.
  • The policy is in good standing.
  • They are the correct beneficiary/beneficiaries.
  • The way in which the person died is covered by the policy.
  • So much more.

Once all the paperwork is finalized and sent to the insurance company, they conduct their own investigation to verify the paperwork. In the end, the whole process takes several months, which limits a funeral home’s cash flow. No wonder some funeral homes choose to avoid insurance assignments altogether.

Tribute Insurance Assignments Is Modern and Intuitive

One of the things we set out to do with our Tribute Insurance Assignments team was to change how insurance assignments are handled. We’ve built a modern, intuitive system directly into the admin panel of a funeral home’s website.

All the information a funeral director needs for filing a claim — all the forms, the deceased’s information, etc. — it’s all stored in one place. And submitting a claim is easier than ever. No more tedious paperwork.

To submit a claim, all you need to do is go into your website’s admin panel and click Tribute Pay. Then, select the Assignment Funding tab on the far right and click Submit New Claim. The best part? We’ll handle the rest.

We’ve put together a team of insurance assignment experts that have more than 63 years of experience working with life insurance policies. They know the ins and outs of navigating the claims process — and in most cases, they can have a claim verified for funding within 24 to 48 hours.

Tribute Insurance Assignments is a modern solution to an age-old problem in the funeral profession. And it gives your funeral home a more modern appeal when it comes to attracting new talent. But that’s not all. Let’s explore the other ways Tribute Insurance Assignments caters to the next generation of funeral directors.


Tribute Insurance Assignments caters to the digital age with its near paperless system. To verify a claim, all we need from you is the deceased’s name, date of birth, date of death, social security number, insurance company name, policy number, and an assignment signed by the beneficiary. You can upload all of that directly into the Tribute Insurance Assignments dashboard of the admin panel.

From there, our team completes ALL claim forms and affidavits required by the insurance company on behalf of the beneficiary and your funeral home.

Tribute Insurance Assignments not only takes advantage of the digital age to reduce your workload — less paperwork also makes your funeral home a little bit friendlier to the environment.

Free Up Your Time

Today’s families don’t just want tradition. They want unique, personalized funeral experiences. And the more personalized the funeral, the longer it’s going to take to plan and put the pieces together.

Modern funeral directors can cater to these families by freeing up their time. And Tribute Insurance Assignments does just that. With all of the data entry tasks and tedious paperwork out of the way, funeral directors have more time to sit with the family and plan a truly unique personal healing experience.

While your funeral directors are out there doing what they do best, we keep them updated on the status of the claim at all stages of the process and are here to answer any questions you may have.

Tribute Insurance Assignments allows you to honor the legacy of service your funeral home is known for while offering you a modern and streamlined solution to funeral payment options.


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