Hi, I’m Samantha Ward, and I’m the marketing manager here at Frazer Consultants. I know one of the biggest challenges that funeral directors face is time. We understand that focusing on search engine optimization, or SEO, can seem like a daunting and time-consuming task. By following our tips for writing blogs for SEO, you can save time and make sure your website is easy to find.
It’s important to include external and internal links within your blog post to improve credibility and SEO. To put it simply, external links go to outside sources and internal links go to your own content. You should only link to reliable sources and information that will be helpful to your readers.
Adding keywords to your blog post is another way to increase SEO. Keywords are simple words and phrases that explain your topic. Keywords help your readers understand the purpose of your content, and they help search engines find and share that content with people who are searching for that topic. Your keyword should appear several times throughout your blog post but don’t overuse them.
Including a call-to-action on your blog post is another way to improve your SEO. A call-to-action is exactly what it sounds like. It’s one to two sentences where you ask your readers to perform an action. For example, if your blog is about preplanning, your call-to-action could be something along the lines of “At our funeral home, we make preplanning as quick and easy as possible for families. Call us today to set up an appointment.” And as a bonus, that one is not only a call-to-action, but it includes the keyword “preplanning.” Here’s another example of a call-to-action.
To learn more about blogs and SEO, download our blogging eBook.