In a dream world, you would love to do a full-scale renovation of your funeral home with a large event space, an ash scattering garden, and all the works. Unfortunately, that takes a lot of time and funds that many funeral homes don’t have. But that doesn’t mean your facility has to stay stagnant!
There are many simple, inexpensive ways to update your facility and make it feel brand-new. Let’s go over a few ideas.
Update the Decor and Wall Color
A new coat of paint and some updated wall art can go a long way in transforming your funeral home. For example, you could have your staff paint the walls to save money. You also could see if any of their family members want to help and make a whole day of it. To thank everyone for their hard work, you could treat them to lunch.
If someone on your team is crafty, they could create some new wall art. Or reach out to a local artist to see if they’d be willing to paint a mural or donate a piece of art to your funeral home for positive exposure. Or go shopping for some bargains on cool pieces of art, which would be a fun opportunity for your employees to hang out outside of work and get to know each other better.
Replace Outdated Fixtures and Furniture
If you don’t have the budget for new furniture, you can still give your current ones a fresh touch. For example, you could add some new coverings and pillows to your couches and chairs to make sure families are as comfortable as possible.
You also could update older fixtures to make your facility look brand-new. For example, in your rest areas, you could add new faucets, mirrors, and lights. You also could add a small hand sanitizer station.
Other little updates to your facility like new light switch plates are pretty inexpensive but can make a huge difference. To make your funeral home more environmentally friendly, consider switching to fluorescent light bulbs to use less energy.
Add Amenities to Your Funeral Home’s Lobby
Small touches to your lobby can make your funeral home feel like a second home to families. One idea is to add a refreshment area. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It could just be a coffee machine and some healthy snacks like granola bars or fruit. Since we’re still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this may not be possible right now, but something to consider for the future.
Another idea is to add charging areas. You could designate some outlets in your lobby for families to charge their devices. This way, if they need to contact any family members, they don’t need to worry about if their phone has enough battery charge. It’s also just another way to show that you care about making them feel comfortable, which they’ll appreciate.
Spruce Up Your Facility’s Exterior
There’s also the outside of your facility to consider. After all, this is the first thing that families will see before even entering your facility. To make sure it gives them the right impression, you could update your landscaping, such as planting flowers or bushes near the entrance.
If you’re repainting the inside of your facility, you may want to consider the outside of it, too. A new paint color for the outside of your funeral home can truly transform families’ first impressions of your facility.
Have you updated your facility recently? Share your ideas in the comments!
Don’t forget about updating your online presence, too! Take the first step toward a new website by scheduling a free demo.