Since June is National Safety Month, we want to share some tips to keep your community safe this summer. Whether they’re traveling or doing outdoor activities, your funeral home’s staff can help educate them on summer safety best practices.
Additionally, your funeral home can host summer events to give families a safe environment to have fun this summer. Or, you can host events and create resources for educating families about how to stay safe.
Below are a few safety tips and ideas to give you some inspiration!
Summer Safety Tips
By sharing these summer safety tips with your community, you not only keep them safe but show that you care. Below are a few tips:
Tips for Outdoor Summer Activities:
- Regularly apply sunscreen.
- Stay hydrated.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Wear the appropriate safety gear, such as a life jacket when boating.
- Supervise children when they’re playing outside or in the pool.
Tips for Summer Traveling:
- Don’t use your phone when driving.
- For long trips, rotate drivers and stop to take breaks.
- Wear a helmet when biking or riding a motorcycle.
- Have an in-case-of-emergency kit in your vehicle.
- Have a back-up route to your destination just in case.
Summer Community Event Ideas
By getting involved in your community, you can help educate your community and keep them safe. Organize events that give them a safe and fun place to spend time with loved ones and meet new people. For example, you can host an outdoor picnic in your funeral home’s memorial garden. Or, have a barbeque-style death café where everyone can openly talk about death and funerals while enjoying good food and company.
Event planning also gives your staff an opportunity to educate your community about summer safety. One idea is to host a lunch and learn event about summer safety. Divide everyone into teams to answer questions and give the winners a prize, such as a gift card to your local ice cream shop.
National Safety Month Resources You Can Offer
Besides hosting events, there are many other ways that you can educate your community. One simple way to educate others is to share tips and resources. Since we know funeral directors are busy people, use this blog post as a guide. Post the tips above on your funeral home’s social media pages, in your newsletter, or write a blog post about them. The National Safety Council also has free materials for National Safety Month that you can share with your community.