Frazer Blog

New Year, New Goals for Your Funeral Home

by | Dec 20, 2018 | Funeral Profession, Funeral Technology

person writing in a planner

This year is wrapping up, which means it’s that time when everyone makes resolutions for the new year. Although it may seem cliché, creating goals is a great way to keep your business growing and thriving.

By creating resolutions for your funeral home, you can expand your business and knowledge to better serve your community.

Below we’ve brainstormed some possible New Year’s resolutions!

Make the Most of Social Media

If your funeral home isn’t on any social media platforms, start with Facebook. Or, if you already have Facebook and have the time and resources to manage another social media account, try Instagram or Twitter.

Or your goal can be to clean up your funeral home’s online presence by deleting unused social media accounts. For example, if a potential client family comes across your funeral home’s Twitter account, but you haven’t posted since 2016, that may leave a bad first impression. You should come up with a plan to use the social media account or delete it.

Want some help managing your social media? We partner with Growth Engine Marketing Hub. With this software, you can choose from a library of hundreds of pre-made posts, newsletters, ads, and more, schedule them on the easy-to-use calendar, and track the results. We’ve even added our social media kit content to Growth Engine, so you no longer would have to post that content manually.

Update the Interior of Your Funeral Home

To update your interior, you don’t have to plan a full-scale renovation. There are simple things you can do to make your space more inviting. Things like a new paint color, updated décor, comfy furniture, and having WiFi available for families can help make your space more welcoming.

You also can create some new spaces, such as setting up a coffee station or creating a space for children to go during the funeral with books and toys. These updates can create a positive first impression when families walk into your facility.

Expand Your Funeral Payment Options

Many families have little to nothing in their savings. So, having alternative funeral payment options is a must-have for them. Payment options like financing, life insurance assignments, or crowdfunding can be the difference between planning a meaningful funeral and settling on a less expensive option.

Frazer-powered websites come with our all-in-one payment platform, Tribute Pay, which offers credit card processing, eChecks, crowdfunding, financing, and life insurance assignments as payment options. To learn more, watch this video!

Get a Grief Therapy Dog

We’re seeing more and more funeral homes adding grief therapy dogs to their staff. A therapy dog can comfort your families during the funeral and grieving process. However, it takes a lot of planning ahead, so make sure you have a plan in place before deciding to get at therapy dog. Check out this therapy dog article to learn about the requirements!

Attend More Educational Seminars and Webinars

The funeral profession is constantly changing, so there’s always an opportunity to learn and stay up to date with the latest funeral trends. Research some upcoming seminars or even webinars that you can attend from the comfort of your couch.

Update Your Funeral Home’s Website

If your website isn’t responsive — adapts to all screen sizes including desktop and mobile devices — then it’s time for a new design. With 78% of American adults owning a smartphone and 53% owning a tablet, they’re likely viewing your website from a mobile device. To learn more about what Frazer-powered responsive websites offer, watch this video!

Organize Your Digital Files

With January being National Clean Up Your Computer Month, it’s the perfect time to get your digital files organized for the new year. Create an organization system for all your files, such as creating different category folders instead of having everything saved in the same folder. It will make it much quicker and easier to find important files, which saves you time for other tasks. Check out this file organization article for more tips!

Want a convenient and secure online place to store all your files? FrazerGO Management Software makes files organization easy. With this software, you can collect everything you need from families, such as files, photos, signatures, and payments, and store all the information in one easy-to-access place.

Boost Your Employee Engagement

Make sure your employees feel appreciated by finding ways to show you care. For example, you can plan a fun team building event, such as having a movie night or volunteering at a community event. Or even just buying them coffee or telling them that they’re appreciated can express your gratitude for their hard work.

Be More Involved in Your Community

Host some community events to get to know your community members! Some event ideas are a seminar or webinar about healthy ways to cope with grief, an educational lunch with a presentation on preplanning funerals, or a community movie screening of a movie with a meaningful message about grief and loss, such as Up or We Bought a Zoo.

For more event planning tips, download our free event planning eBook!

What’s your New Year’s resolution for your funeral home? Share them with us in the comments!

Last updated: 01/06/2022


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