Frazer Blog

Skills Funeral Directors Need to Succeed

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Funeral Profession

woman writing in notebook

Becoming a funeral director is no easy feat. It takes a special kind of person to do the job and to do it well. That’s why we are sharing some of the top skills funeral directors need to exhibit to truly succeed.


This one is probably not surprising but it’s important to keep in mind. Families want someone who shows they truly care during their time of grief. Someone who is willing to put in the extra effort to honor their loved one’s life.

Yes, the job does require a certain level of professionalism but that doesn’t mean you can’t be human. It’s actually comforting to have a funeral director who expresses their condolences and isn’t strictly business.


No longer do families want the cookie-cutter, traditional funeral service. They want something personalized that shows who their loved one really was. That’s where your creativity will come in. You’ll need to come up with new ideas for every funeral you’re planning.


Most funeral directors can attest to this very necessary skill. There will be times when things aren’t going as planned and you will have to think on your feet. Maybe the food hasn’t been delivered, or the hearse is stuck in traffic. Some things will be out of your control, but it’s up to you to still put on a special funeral service.

Time Management

The funeral profession is one of the most unpredictable professions out there which means as a funeral director, you need to stay on top of prioritizing your time. Sometimes you may have barely any families to work with and then the next week they all come at once. You’ll never know, which means you always have to manage your time wisely.


It’s up to you to lead your staff in an efficient manner. They will be looking to you to know what to do. Stay organized in delegating duties and make it clear to your staff what their individual responsibilities are.


Though one aspect of strong communication is being concise and clear about what you’re saying, it’s also important to be an active listener. Truly focus on what your client families are saying, and this goes beyond verbal communication. You have to be attentive to people’s non-verbal cues too. This includes body language, eye contact, and facial expression.

1 Comment

  1. Mark White

    Great article on a fine matter


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