As a funeral director, you may attend things like conferences and webinars to fulfill your continuing education (CE) requirements. You may just see it as another thing you need to check off your list. However, what you may not think of are all the benefits that come with continuing your education.
Instead of funeral directors or embalmers being the only ones able to continue their education, lower-level employees of the funeral home should get the opportunity too. This way they can grow as professionals and be able to serve families the best they can.
Below we’re sharing the importance of continuing education for funeral professionals of all levels, whether that be a funeral director or a college intern.
Stay Updated on the Latest Trends
All funeral professionals should be aware of the latest funeral trends out there. That way anyone at your funeral home can answer questions that families may have. By having knowledgeable staff around, families will put more trust in your funeral home.
Conferences like NFDA and ICCFA have various sessions about the latest funeral trends such as cremation, natural burial, and even human composting. By learning about these things, your staff can decide if it’s plausible for your funeral home to offer these services to families.
Network with Other Professionals
Conferences and seminars are a great way to connect with other funeral professionals. It’s a way to build a sense of community and share what works best for your funeral home. By talking with others, you may get advice for something new to try at your funeral home or find out better ways to handle certain situations.
Learn about the Newest Innovations
At the NFDA and ICCFA conferences, you get the chance to walk around and talk to different vendors. This way you can learn about different technologies or products out there straight from the source. For example, this year at the NFDA conference, we will have sales representatives available to give free live demos or answer any questions you may have!
Use it as a Time to Recharge
Oftentimes, conferences and seminars are hosted in big cities. Use them as a time to get away from the funeral home, relax, and learn a few things. If you’re able, spend a few extra days in the city to just explore and have fun.
Will you or someone from your funeral home be at this year’s NFDA conference? Stop by our booth to learn more about all the technology solutions Frazer Consultants has to offer!