Frazer Blog

Ways Your Funeral Home Can Be More Environmentally Friendly

by | Mar 20, 2019 | Funeral Profession

arm holding reusable bag

According to the Chicago Tribune, if everyone in the world lived the lifestyle of the average American, we would need five planets just to provide enough resources. That statistic alone should be a reason for all of us to change our daily habits.

That’s why your funeral home should take the initiative to make a few changes to be more environmentally friendly. Below are a few easy ways you can get started!

Reduce Then Reuse Then Recycle

Not many people realize this, but the phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle” is in order of most importance. Recycling is still important in helping the environment but using fewer materials in the first place and then reusing them is even better.

As computers become only more prevalent in everyday business, consider switching your files and forms to a digital platform rather than using paper. If you must use paper, always be sure to recycle it!

Avoid Disposable Dishes

Though disposable dishes and cutlery are convenient, they also create a lot of trash that will sit in a landfill for hundreds to thousands of years. Instead, invest in a set of reusable cups, mugs, dishes, and cutlery. It only takes a matter of minutes to wash dishes — significantly reducing your waste output.

Replace Your Lightbulbs

If your funeral home is lit by incandescent light bulbs, it’s time to switch them out for CFL or LED Energy Star light bulbs. Energy Star light bulbs are better because they last six times longer than incandescent lightbulbs, creating less waste and saving you time and money. They also use less energy, which both helps the environment and lowers your energy bill!

Fix Dripping Faucets

That leaky faucet in your bathroom or kitchen area may not seem like a big deal but actually, you could be wasting around 2,082 gallons of water per year! Get it fixed as soon as possible — the environment and your wallet will be happy.

Use Proper Insulation

A drafty door or window can drive up your heating bill in the winter and is a waste of natural resources. Use weather-stripping and caulking to keep the heat in. Thick curtains can also be helpful to block any incoming window drafts, or even consider wrapping them in saran wrap.


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